Women suffering with both migraine and TMJ – Double blind, randomised, placebo controlled study

The study investigated the effectiveness of four combinations of treatment, in women suffering with both TMJ disorder and migraine without aura.

The sample group of 89 patients, were divided into four groups:

– 22 patients receiving 90 mg of propranolol and a stabilisation splint. This is a specialised dental bite plate used for treating headache, TMJ, and migraine. The stabilisation splint aims to provide a temporary, but perfect occlusion (meeting of the teeth).

– 23 patients receiving a placebo and a stabilization splint

– 23 patients received propranolol and a non-occlusal splint. This is an intra oral appliance that does not interfere with the bite. There are many different types used to treat headache and migraine.

– 21 patients received placebo and non-occlusal splint. A non-occlusal splint does not prevent clenching or grinding of the teeth.

Patients were examined before and after treatment, for changes in the number of headache days, and changes in days with a moderate or severe headache. For TMJ disorder, the pain levels and range of  jaw movement was examined. The study was conducted over a three month period.

The combination treatments outperformed the placebo groups.

View the original migraine treatment study at this link: Women suffering with both migraine and TMJ – Double blind, randomised, placebo controlled study

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