MRI Specialist Cluster Headache Treatment Centers
Previous studies have shown that follow-up shortly after cluster headache patients were treated with radiation surgery resulted only in an adequate amount of pain relief of the three main nerves in the head causing the pain. This is a study of patients undergoing radiation surgery for cluster headaches with a longer follow-up. Pain relief was graded as: excellent, good, fair or poor. After the radiation surgery, most of the patients experienced poor results with more than half initially experiencing excellent to good results that decreased after 2 years to poor or fair. Half of the patients had experienced side effects of the treatment that included facial numbness. Using radiation surgery to treat cluster headache patients only provides short-term relief that is not maintained for longer than 2 years. Therefore, radiation surgery does not provide a long-term pain relief solution for cluster headache.
View the original cluster headache study at this link: Treating cluster headache patients with radiation surgery.