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This study documented affect of severe headaches in a group of 2, 933 female participants. The women were between the ages of 20 and 64. They were asked questions about their headaches in a survey. Of the 2, 933 woman in the study, 78.7% percent had experienced headaches the year before the survey was conducted. Younger women were affected more than the older women.
Three groups of women were examined. The first group experienced headaches only on one side of the head.
The second group had warnings signs, like changes in sensitivity to light, before the start of the headaches. These warning signs are often called “aura” as there may be flashing lights and visual disturbances, tingling in the hands, loss of ability to speak clearly, dizziness and ringing in the ears.
The third group experienced headaches with nausea.
Before the survey 19% of these women experienced severe, long- lasting headaches and almost half of these women had never consulted a doctor about their headaches.
The women kept diaries where they made notes about their headaches. Each woman wrote down the time and day that the headaches started, how long it lasted and how painful it was. They also had to take note of when and how long they menstruated.
View the original headache study at this link: A study on Treating severe headaches affecting women between the ages of 20 and 64
- “The highest incidence of migraine was during the first few days of menstruation. We found migraine was significantly more frequent in the week after menstruation, a time rarely mentioned in the literature, than in the premenstrual week. “